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We are specialists in the provision of Apprenticeships

Why choose a Playwork Apprenticeship

What is Playwork?
Playwork is a highly skilled profession that enriches and enhances children’s play. It takes place where adults support children’s play but it is not driven by prescribed education or care outcomes. Playworkers contribute to the organisation and facilitation of play opportunities.

Potential Careers
  • Assistant Playworker
  • Play Centre Assistant
  • Playworker
  • Senior Playworker
  • Supervisors/Managers of Playwork settings
  • Playwork Development Officers
You could become a Playworker in the following settings:
  • Adventure Playgrounds
  • Play Centres
  • Afterschool Clubs
  • Schools
What skills do you need?
You'll gain the skills to communicate effectively with young people and to help their development through play. You will need to like working with children/young people, have confidence taking a lead, be energetic and willing to have fun and get involved.

Why should you take a Playwork Apprenticeship?
You should take a Playwork Apprenticeship because Playwork is a wide and varied field with a range of opportunities. There is also the possibility of progressing onto a Higher Apprenticeship in Playwork.

Did you know?
Pathway Group is a SkillsActive Endorsed Provider for the Playwork sector.

Want more information
For more information about Playwork Apprenticeships or to discuss what Apprenticeship would be right for you speak to a member of our team today: 0121 707 0550 or e-mail: info@apprenticeshiprecruitment.co.uk


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Tel: 0121 707 0550  Free Call: 0800 955 0870  Email: info@apprenticeshiprecruitment.co.uk
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