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Apprenticeship Recruitment
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We are specialists in the provision of Apprenticeships

What to expect as an Apprentice

The same as in school there are expectations in the workplace. However unlike school people are a lot less likely to give you a second or third chance! In the workplace you are being paid to fill a position so if you aren’t performing to the expected standard or your attitude isn’t acceptable or up to standard it can have serious consequences. You will be expected to arrive on time, have lunch at a prescribed time and leave at the specified time. You may be expected to wear a uniform or certain clothing. These expectations aren’t questionable. They are there for a reason.
All expectations should be explained during your induction however if you are unsure of something make sure that you ask (don’t just guess).

Lots of Learning
An Apprenticeship is a great chance to get work experience and to learn. Apprenticeships are good because they involve lots of different types of learning styles especially hands on. You may not have enjoyed school at all or you might have loved it but Apprenticeships offer something for all types of leaners. If you come with a positive attitude you can achieve a lot.

Team Work
Unlike school the workplace is a place where you will have to work with other people, regardless of if they are ‘your kind’ of person or not. You will also need to be able to work with people from different backgrounds, ages, cultures, abilities etc. and so you will need to learn how to embrace these experiences and work well within any given team.

Excepting Mistakes
It’s natural for us to try and cover our weaknesses but it is important throughout your working life that you can ask questions and admit to not knowing things straight off and you also need to learn to accept your mistakes and learn from them. Once you can do this you will see that other people are more willing to help you out, respect you, that you don’t get as much wrong and you learn new skills.

Growing up
At the start of an Apprenticeship you will be very different to how you will be at the end. At the start you may not know what to expect, what you need to do, you might not know the answers but this is part of the learning process! At the completion of your Apprenticeship you should be confident in what you are doing and in a position to help others. You will most likely have more self-confidence and be able to demonstrate great teamwork. You might not know all the answers but you will have the confidence to ask or find out and remember, all of us always have something new to learn!

For more information about how Apprenticeship Recruitment can help you in regards to information, advice, guidance and securing apprenticeships please call: 0121 707 0500 or e-mail: info@apprenticeshiprecruitment.co.uk

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Tel: 0121 707 0550  Free Call: 0800 955 0870  Email: info@apprenticeshiprecruitment.co.uk
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